Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe (from Brown Coconut or Flakes)
  • Coconut meat from ½ brown coconut OR 50 g of shredded coconut (equals 1,5dl. or ¾ a cup).
  • 500 ml warm water (not boiling - handwarm)*
  1. Warm up the water until hand-warm (not boiling) and add it, and the coconut meat or flakes, to a blender.
  2. Blend for about 30-45sec. Let the blender rest for 10 seconds and repeat 2 times.
  3. Place the nutmilk bag or sieve in a bowl, and pour the milk through to seperate the coconut pulp from the milk. A nutmilk bag gives the best results as this removes all the pulp, but if you do not have one, a fine sieve will remove most of the pulp as well**.
  4. Store your fresh made coconut milk in a glas jar in the fridge. The milk will last several days in the fridge***.
* The water needs to be warm as this help the fats from the coconut, mix with the water. If you use cold water, the fat will stick to the sieve or nutmilk bag.

** Instead of throwing out the coconut pulp, you can dry it in the oven at 200C for around 30-45 minutes until it's dry and voilá, you have your own high-fiber shredded coconut that you can use in breads, cakes, smoothies, on top of your cereal, or in vegan steaks.

*** When the milk gets cold, the fat will seperate from the water and join together in the top of the container. This is normal and means the milk just needs a good shake. If shaking does not help, you can take the milk out of the fridge before you drink it and let it rest for a little until the solid part mealts. When you heat up the coconut milk the solid part quickly melts away.
Recipe by Dittechristina.com at https://dittechristina.com/diy-raw-coconut-milk-recipe-from-brown-coconut/