Healthy Nutella Recipe (Vegan)
Cuisine: Vegan, Glutenfree
A healthy and delicious homemade vegan nutella made with hazelnuts, dark chocolate, coconut oil, and a small amount of maple syrup.
  • 120 g cashews
  • 60 g hazelnuts
  • 12 g cacao powder
  • 80 g dark chocolate, 70%
  • 40 g coconut oil
  • 20-30 g maple syrup or other sweetener
  • ½ tsp vanilla powder
  • a pinch of salt
  1. Roast the hazelnuts on a pan or bake them in the oven, until they get a light brown colour and their skin starts to brake. Let them cool.
  2. Add them and the cashews to a high speed food processor and blend them until they turn into a creamy nut butter. First they'll turn into a flour. Then you'll have to wipe the flour down from the sides of the machine several times. It takes a little patience to make homemade nut butter, but eventually the nuts will become soft and smooth. Remember to give your machine a few breaks so it doesn't overheat.
  3. Add the nut butter to a bowl.
  4. Melt the coconut oil in a pot and add it to the bowl together with cacao powder, syrup, vanilla and salt. Mix it well.
  5. Melt the chocolate over a water bath or double boiler, and mix it with the other ingredients in the bowl.
  6. Pretaste, and if nessacery, add more syrup.
  7. The nutella can last several days in a glas jar at room temperatur. If you put it in the fridge it will become hard and you'll have to heat it up to get it soft again.
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